Tips for windshield maintenance

The windshield, a key element for your safety. A recent study revealed that 60% of drivers do not check if their windshield allows them a good visibility, 75% admit having driven with wiper blades in bad condition and more than 70% of drivers do not replace them as often as recommended. That is why we bring you some tips for their maintenance and therefore your safety:

  • Constantly perform a good maintenance and cleaning of the windshield surface. Do not allow dirt to accumulate on the wiper blades, we recommend carefully removing the wiper blades from the arm, and clean it with a product that allows you to remove the dust adhered to it.
  • Constantly check the condition of the wiper blades, if this element does not work, you may be fined 80 euros.
  • In the winter season never remove ice from the windshield, it is advisable to use a suitable non-metallic scraper to avoid scratching the glass. A quick and safe solution is to spray the glass with sanitary alcohol to break up the ice.
  • In case of adverse weather, car windows tend to fog up more. The windshield should be defrosted with the specific ventilation system function for this purpose; and connect the heated rear window, which in many cars also defogs the rear view mirrors. Do not forget to clean the dust from the grids and make sure that there are no objects obstructing the passage of air so that the defogging is more effective, and in the case of sand, be careful when cleaning so as not to scratch the glass.
  • If the temperature is very low, avoid spraying the windshield with water or windshield washer fluid while driving as it can immediately freeze and form an opaque film that will prevent you from seeing.
  • It is recommended to change the windshield wiper blades once a year, as they tend to wear out with use and the passage of time. However, if before this period you notice that the wiper blades leave traces on the windshield, you should replace them.

We recommend not skimping on the cleaning and maintenance of the windshield as it is a fundamental element for driving and your safety.

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